Today was a bad day, but I found a saviour in my life and he makes my day much better. I don't know how I could be so careless and left my thumb drive which filled with projects that I need to hand up by this week. Luckily there's this nursing student who saved my life. I thought I lost all my hope and I'm gonna re-do my projects all over again. But luckily, god wasn't so cruel and ask my saviour to pass thumb drive to me. I'm thankful that he didn't keep it for himself. And thanks Lylie for the help to look for my thumb drive too. I appreciate it. Thank you very much nursing guy and Lylie.

Tomorrow's the day when I'm going to have a big relief because I'm handing up last project tomorrow before I'm gone next week. So, I'm glad. Phew. 3 more days to go, the thought of me packing up my luggage just makes me lazy. I wish I could just go there without bringing any luggage and bring my own new luggage from there which contains lot's of new things.
I didn't know I could spend my time talking lots of nonsense to a friend of mine. Basically, lots and lots of lame jokes. It's good to spend your time talking nonsense at times, get your mind off stressful things. Anyway, I still have no idea what's the feeling like staying in Europe for 10 days. Wish me luck!
If I could dim the lights in the mall
And create a mood, I would
Shout out your name so it echos in every room. I would
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