Hey guys! Sorry if I have not been updating my blog lately. The reason is that I was kinda busy with school and also I feel tired and there's no mood for me to blog. Well today was kinda random actually. Reached school and edit some parts of my BEG role play. Then followed by all the other lessons. During break, celebrated Asyura and Syafika Birthday. Just celebrate it together since both of them are born in the month of January.Credits to Noi because she made cupcakes as a replacement of having a cake. It's nice! Thanks! (:

After my Friday prayers, headed down to Fauzi's sack as usual. That's my Friday routine. HAHA! Right Zi?. At 6pm, went home to get changed as I was going out. Was supposed to hang out at Airport, but don't know why the changed of plan. They wanted to hang out at Downtown instead. So headed there and met them. Had our dinner at a nearby food court. Crack some jokes, talked to them about life in ITE. Then after headed home. Wash up myself and watched WWE. My favourite show to watch if I'm bored. HAh!
Started to play GOD OF WAR!!! Wow! it's a damn good game. Should try it. But I played it on PSP. I'm still trying to complete the game, kinda tough.But it's FUN!. Shall end my post here now. Tata!

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