I'm scared that i might not get a chance to talk to this particular person. I just want to blog it here. There's numerous of opportunities that i have, but, i didn't take the chance to do it. I'm scared that one day i will not see this person again as we won't be seeing each other regularly.
I want to take that opportunity to do what i intend to do. But I just can't bare to do it. Maybe because I'm afraid that things doesn't go the way I want it. I really hope that I can get over the fear in me. It's better to do it now then to regret later.
God, please give me the courage to do this. And I pray that things would work out the way I want it. I must be brave.
I want to take that opportunity to do what i intend to do. But I just can't bare to do it. Maybe because I'm afraid that things doesn't go the way I want it. I really hope that I can get over the fear in me. It's better to do it now then to regret later.
God, please give me the courage to do this. And I pray that things would work out the way I want it. I must be brave.