Friday, July 20, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hello there’s been quite a while since I update my just too lazy to do anything…anyway…the NYP concert was over…SINFONIQUE I somehow enjoyed this concert as there’s not much pressure on it..except my SOLO! turned out to be quite good I guess…finally the pressure is off! J I love it!..anyway..what’s next for BEDOK NORTH!?...shall look forward to it…school has been quite TEDIOUS! for me..everyday..i always look forward for the day to end…im worried for my DNT and MATH. My math needs more help..and my DNT needs a lot of work to be done. Nevermind IDHAM!..only a few months left! Hahah..bare with it…ENDURE! Tahan a while and cooperate! LOL! I shall stop here then!..see ya pepps! :D
Monday, July 2, 2007
You Are 16 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
You Are 56% Perfectionist |
![]() No one would call you a perfectionist, but you definitely have a side of you that strives to be perfect. Try to see your mistakes as learning experiences, and don't be so hard on yourself when you screw up! |
Your Birthdate: November 21 |
![]() You are certain and confident when you choose to love someone. Even though your romantic choices may be unconventional - you stand behind them. Your friends never know you as well as a romantic partner does. Number of True Loves You'll Have: 4 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1 You are most compatible with people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the month. |
Your Love Type: ESTP |
![]() The Doer In love, you are charming, and known for sweeping people off their feet. For you, sex is fun and a great way to be in the moment with someone. Overall, you are witty, generous, and flirty. However, you tend to ignore conflict and get bored with people easily. Best matches: ISFJ or ISTJ |
Your Love Life Secrets Are |
![]() Looking back on your life, you will only have one true love. Although you may have been hurt before, you tend to bring very little scars into new relationships. It's important to you that your lover is very attractive. You like to have someone to show off. In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm. You have a hard time ending relationships, even if the other person says it's over. |

Created by OnePlusYou - Online Dating