Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hey!..i edited a few pictures in my com..and when i look at it..hm..different changes every year..haha..cool huh...my DNT project still need alot of work to be done..need to hand in everything by END OF JULY! must do my best..this year the MR John say...he wants everyone to get distinction..haha...hope so...well...here's the picture is...give some comments yea?...which one do u like?...haha...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Hey guys!..last Saturday was POP...hmm..i've really enjoyed myself..especially staying up in Regent...we need to stay to regent as there is something happened last minute..even though staying there for 1 day, it was damn fun!...especially with some Hougang, Regent and BN peeps...really enjoyed myself...well..i didn't cry..just a little of wet eyes....i think that time my eyes hurts..that's why it's WATERY! haha...i'm lazy to update..so i'll just update some pictures in the blog yea!..and a video too! : D enjoy! http://youtube.com/watch?v=k3O5uy-MBBk
Honour Band! (:
Love you guys GOH 2007!
haha...crazyness! :X
what the fish!
Love Sec4's 2007! thanks guys for being there for me...i really appreciate it..all the ups and downs..we're finally graduating! :D

Love Sec4's 2007! thanks guys for being there for me...i really appreciate it..all the ups and downs..we're finally graduating! :D
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hello there people..well..today was kinda dull..basically i woke up at 9 30 because i don't want to be late for the PIZZA! treat!...haha...well..the pizza treat was great..miss kannu bought alot of pizzas...it was fun..THANKS MISS KANNU!. Well after that just practice my SAX...i'm trying to get use of my new embrochure..i need to change my embrochure because of some reasons..well..it's kinda hard actually..but there's a benefit i guess...i really want to have a good sound...it makes me wonder..how to have a good tone...i shall find out from lionel or someone else then..after practicing outside for a while..went in AVA room..and practice some stuffs...hm...sight reading can be fun..ahaha...shall train my sight reading from now on..so that when i'm in any auditions..it will help me reading it faster...tomorrow, there's band again..i really want to practice my SAX everyday..but i think this JUNE holidays, i realized that i have been practicing more...hmm..i guess it's a good thing right?...LOL!..i shall update again then...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Today has been a bad luck day for me..firstly, water went in my phone...but now still can use..so i took everything out to let the inner side of the phone dry..but..and the memory card i put it inside my pocket..the next thing i know that my memory card is gone..i couldn't believe it..i feel so sad..because that memory card my brother bought it for me..so called ''bought''. Actually he wanted to buy for his own phone..but got the wrong one..so he gave me that. How could i be so careless..i should blame myself..it's my responsibilities..another bad thing happened to me is that..my casing's carrier broke...i just feel so lousy..what did i do to deserve this?...haiyo...i hope tomorrow is a better day..just tell myself that..oh ya..i learned alot today..from today's sectionals..i need to change my embrochure to get better sound...and i learned quite some basics..now i know how important basics is...need to brush it up..anyway before i go..i want to show you guys this funny commercial..haha..it's banned..enjoy! : D
HEY! well..just got back from the concert at ESPLANADE which is philharmonic winds. It's just so great that i'm just WOW! it was a great performance. I enjoy watching it. Seeing them perform makes me feel to practice harder and maybe one day i will get in the winds orchestra, hopefully. The best thing about the concert is watching Kevin Bobo performed. He's like the best percussionist i have ever seen. He's a great man!. Really salute him! haha. The way he improvised his own music by just using snare drum was really impressive. That's about the concert.
I want to ask you guys, ''do you like staying in Singapore?''. Well..i enjoy myself here because of the beautiful scenery and i'm comfortable with myself. But one thing that i don't like is that the people around. Some of them have MATS lah..Ah Beng lah..all types of people..i can't really understand them. Do they have something else to do?. I wonder what are they gonna do to support their family in the future...well in Singapore now days you will at least need education to get a job..those job which dosen't need much education is always things that you don't like to do. I'm sure people would love to do a job that's make them happy right?. I rather go overseas and stay there for a few years. HAH! Maybe japan?..cool you know..there got chicks..haha..hot! okay, i'm just being LAME! I'm damn beat...i need to go to bed soon..see you guys...nowdays it's like everyday there's music for me..but it's cool though..have a nice day! : D
I want to ask you guys, ''do you like staying in Singapore?''. Well..i enjoy myself here because of the beautiful scenery and i'm comfortable with myself. But one thing that i don't like is that the people around. Some of them have MATS lah..Ah Beng lah..all types of people..i can't really understand them. Do they have something else to do?. I wonder what are they gonna do to support their family in the future...well in Singapore now days you will at least need education to get a job..those job which dosen't need much education is always things that you don't like to do. I'm sure people would love to do a job that's make them happy right?. I rather go overseas and stay there for a few years. HAH! Maybe japan?..cool you know..there got chicks..haha..hot! okay, i'm just being LAME! I'm damn beat...i need to go to bed soon..see you guys...nowdays it's like everyday there's music for me..but it's cool though..have a nice day! : D
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Well..i'm back..my blog was on hiatus mode..because i don't feel to update anything about my life for the moment...things has changed in my life..some of it..there are good and bad things happening..but i think i kinda like it i guess..i'm not sure myself...firstly, i received an award which is "Good Improvement Award". It's for the term. I'm kinda feel good about myself..should give a pat in the back (: i must not stop here..i must get on the track as soon as i get back to school..must aim higher..
That's about academic..next i want to talk about is MUSIC! the audition that i went for..sad..i didn't get in =( . But i tell myself this..''it's okay at least u did you did your best.'' It's a good experience..especially getting my way to CCA branch. I was lost..get the wrong place..but..it was fun get too explore..haha.
Time has passed so fast..well i'm glad that my education in Secondary School is going to end soon in 5 months time..looking forward to it. After my N's i'm thinking of earning some money for myself..need to shopping..wahaha..although time passed so fast..i'm kinda scared about it..it makes me feel different..everything just pass by and i'm scared that i can't cope with the things in my life..need to do well and stay focus...
My holidays has been kinda dull..everyday i woke up at 12pm or 11am. It's late right?..i don't know how come i have been sleeping DEAD! this few days..my weight has gone i think..it's been a long time since i exercise..been reminding that in my mind but there's no action..haiyo... IDHAM! perut dah boncit!..gi exercise lah!..haha..im just saying myself that im getting bigger and need to exercise..just say it to myself...woo!.
Yay! the other day practice the alto sax..and i get to hit the altissimo ..the note "G". Must find out the other fingerings for the next note..I want to aim higher..maybe "G# or A". I have learned something new from Victor..thanks to him..he told me how to improve on my scales and some basics...it's really important to know your basics people!..must get out the BASICS!. Well i'm thinking of one day when i'm more matured in music..i want to make a GIG! haha..looks cool and interesting yea! Well then people i should stop here now...my fingers are tired of typing. Good nite!
That's about academic..next i want to talk about is MUSIC! the audition that i went for..sad..i didn't get in =( . But i tell myself this..''it's okay at least u did you did your best.'' It's a good experience..especially getting my way to CCA branch. I was lost..get the wrong place..but..it was fun get too explore..haha.
Time has passed so fast..well i'm glad that my education in Secondary School is going to end soon in 5 months time..looking forward to it. After my N's i'm thinking of earning some money for myself..need to shopping..wahaha..although time passed so fast..i'm kinda scared about it..it makes me feel different..everything just pass by and i'm scared that i can't cope with the things in my life..need to do well and stay focus...
My holidays has been kinda dull..everyday i woke up at 12pm or 11am. It's late right?..i don't know how come i have been sleeping DEAD! this few days..my weight has gone i think..it's been a long time since i exercise..been reminding that in my mind but there's no action..haiyo... IDHAM! perut dah boncit!..gi exercise lah!..haha..im just saying myself that im getting bigger and need to exercise..just say it to myself...woo!.
Yay! the other day practice the alto sax..and i get to hit the altissimo ..the note "G". Must find out the other fingerings for the next note..I want to aim higher..maybe "G# or A". I have learned something new from Victor..thanks to him..he told me how to improve on my scales and some basics...it's really important to know your basics people!..must get out the BASICS!. Well i'm thinking of one day when i'm more matured in music..i want to make a GIG! haha..looks cool and interesting yea! Well then people i should stop here now...my fingers are tired of typing. Good nite!
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